
This section is about setting up an optimization method for the variational algorithm.


optimizer has the following options

  • BFGS [Details]: Supports gtol, max_iter options

  • BFGS_FTOL: Supports ftol, max_iter options

  • L_BFGS_B: Supports ftol, gtol, max_iter, max_fev options

  • NFT [Nak20][Details]: Supports ftol, max_iter, max_fev options

  • NELDER_MEAD:Supports max_iter, max_fev options

  • POWELL [Details]: Supports ftol, max_iter, max_fev options

  • CG: Supports gtol, max_iter options

  • TNC: Supports ftol, gtol, max_iter options

  • SLSQP: Supports ftol, max_iter options

Each optimizer other than BFGS_FTOL and NFT is the same as one in scipy.optimize.minimize.

For BFGS the cost function gradient difference gtol is used for convergence condition. For BFGS_FTOL the cost function difference ftol is used for convergence condition.


[Nak20] “Sequential minimal optimization for quantum-classical hybrid algorithms.”, K. M. Nakanishi, K. Fujii, and S. Todo, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043158 (2020).


The following options allow you to specify the condition to stop the optimization.

  • ftol: stop the optimization when the increase or decrease from the previous iteration of the cost function is less than or equal to this value. (default: \(10^{-6}\))

  • gtol: Stops optimization when the slope of the cost function becomes less than or equal to this value. (default: \(10^{-6}\))

  • max_iter: Maximum number of iterations. (default: \(10^3\))

  • max_fev: Maximum number of times the cost function is evaluated. (default: \(10^4\))

  • max_run: maximum number of times to run the quantum circuit (default: \(10^4\))

Input example

"optimizer": {
    "type": "BFGS",
    "ftol": 1e-06,
    "gtol": 1e-06,
    "max_iter": 100000,
    "max_fev": 100000,
    "max_run": 100000

Differential type

The following options allow you to specify the differential type of gradient in optimization calculation. Note there are some optimizers that do not require gradients.

  • differential_type: Choice of the numerical derivative NUMERICAL or the analytical derivative ANALYTICAL [Mit18]. By default, NUMERICAL or ANALYTICAL is chosen automatically when QuantumDevice is set to EXACT_SIMULATOR or SAMPLING_SIMULATOR, respectively.


[Mit18] “Quantum circuit learning”, K. Mitarai, M. Negoro, M. Kitagawa, and K. Fujii, Phys. Rev. A 98, 032309.