Hartree-Fock results

The results of the PySCF Hartree-Fock calculation are output as follows

  • energy: energy of Hartree-Fock (a.u.)

  • mo_energy: energy of molecular orbitals (a.u.)

  • mo_coeff: coefficients of the basis function for each molecular orbital (inner list: coefficients of the basis function for each molecular orbital, outer list: molecular orbitals).

  • k_points: Positions of k-point for each molecular orbital. (Only with a periodic boundary condition)

  • molecular_orbital_data: When molecular_orbital_format is specified in the input, the molecular orbitals are output in the specified format.

  • evaluated_properties: molecular properties evaluated in Hartree-Fock level (only energy, gradient, hessian)

  • elapsed_time: calculation time (in seconds).

Output example

"hf_result": {
  "energy": -1.1173828133065755,
  "mo_energy": [
  "mo_coeff": [
  "molecular_orbital_data": {
    "format": "MOLDEN",
    "data": "[Molden Format]..."
  "evaluated_properties": [
     "energy": {
       "values": [
           "energy": -1.1173828133065755,
           "state": 0,
           "sample_std": 0.0
       "metadata": {
         "elapsed_time": 0.0001864239999997963,
         "success": true
  "elapsed_time": 0.050194051999999933