qamuy.chemistry package¶
Module contents¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.AlgorithmForFindingExcitedStates(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.Ansatz(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.AtomBasis(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.BandStructureEnergyValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.BandStructureEnergyValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.BandStructureParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.Cas(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.CircuitInformation(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.Complex(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.CostFunction(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.CostHistory(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.Derivative(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.DeviceArgs(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.Differential(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.DipoleMomentParameter(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.DipoleMomentParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.DipoleMomentValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.DipoleMomentValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.EnergyHistory(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.EnergyParameter(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.EnergyParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.EnergyValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.EnergyValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.Error(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.EstimatedExecutionTime(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.EvaluatedProperty(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.FermionQubitMapping(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.FrequencyNormalModePair(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.FujitsuProvider(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.GeometryOptimization(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.GeometryOptimizationResult(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.GradientParameter(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.GradientParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.GradientValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.GradientValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.HFResult(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.HamiltonianGeneration(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.HessianParameter(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.HessianParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.HessianValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.HessianValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.IBMQProvider(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.MCSCFExcitedState(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.MeasurementErrorMitigationParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.Mitigation(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.MolecularOrbital(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.MolecularOrbitalData(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.MoleculeResult(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.MultiplicityParameter(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.MultiplicityParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.MultiplicityValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.MultiplicityValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.NonAdiabaticCouplingParameter(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.NonAdiabaticCouplingParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.NonAdiabaticCouplingValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.NonAdiabaticCouplingValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.NumElectronsParameter(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.NumElectronsParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.NumElectronsValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.NumElectronsValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.ObservableGrouping(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.Optimizer(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.OrbitalOptimization(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.OscillatorStrengthParameter(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.OscillatorStrengthParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.OscillatorStrengthValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.OscillatorStrengthValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.OutputMetadata(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.OverlapValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.OverlapValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.PeriodicSystem(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class Geometry(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.PostHFLog(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.PostHFMethod(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.PostHFResult(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.PropertyMetadata(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.QamuyChemistryInput(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.QamuyChemistryOutput(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.QuantumDevice(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.QuantumDeviceResult(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.QuantumResources(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.Randomness(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.ReferenceState(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.ResourceConstraint(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.SamplingInformation(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.SamplingStrategy(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.Solver(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.SpinState(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.SzNumberParameter(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.SzNumberParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.SzNumberValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.SzNumberValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.TargetChemicalProperty(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.TargetSolverProperty(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.TransitionDipoleMomentParameter(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.TransitionDipoleMomentParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.TransitionDipoleMomentValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.TransitionDipoleMomentValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.VQELog(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.VibrationalAnalysisParameter(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.VibrationalAnalysisParameterList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.VibrationalAnalysisValue(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- class qamuy.chemistry.VibrationalAnalysisValueList(_mapping=None, **kwargs)¶
- qamuy.chemistry.cas(active_ele=None, active_orb=None, cas_list=None)¶
Create an object representing a complete active space.
- パラメータ:
active_ele (int) -- Number of electrons in the active space.
active_orb (int) -- Number of orbitals in the active space.
cas_list (list<int>) -- List of orbital indices in the active space.
- 戻り値:
- qamuy.chemistry.cas_periodic_system(active_ele=None, active_orb=None)¶
Create an object representing a complete active space.
- パラメータ:
active_ele (int) -- Number of electrons in the active space for a cell.
active_orb (int) -- Number of orbitals in the active space for a k-point.
- 戻り値:
- qamuy.chemistry.geometry_to_xyz(geometry, vib_mode=None)¶
Convert molecular geometry to a string of xyz format.
- パラメータ:
geometry -- A
object.vib_mode (optional) -- A list of displacements of each nucleus specifying a vibration mode, whose length is 3 * n_atoms, e.g., [0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8] for water molecule
- 戻り値:
A string of xyz format.
- qamuy.chemistry.get_cost_history(vqe_log, state=None)¶
Extract a history of the cost function in VQE as a list. For a non-VQD solver, state argument should not be passed since there is always only one cost history. For VQD, state argument should be passed to specify which cost history to extract.
- パラメータ:
vqe_log -- A VQELog object.
state (Optional[int]) -- (Only for VQD) The state index for which a cost history is extracted.
- 戻り値:
A list containing a history of cost function value.
- qamuy.chemistry.get_energy_history_for_state(vqe_log, state=0)¶
Extract a history of energy of a state in VQE as a list.
- パラメータ:
vqe_log -- A VQELog object.
state (int) -- The index of a state for which the energy history it extracted.
- 戻り値:
A list containing a history of energy value for the specified state.
- qamuy.chemistry.get_evaluated_properties(result, property_name)¶
Extract evaluated property values from a quantum/post-HF result object.
- パラメータ:
result -- A QuantumDeviceResult or PostHFResult object.
property_name (str) -- The name of a property to extract.
- 戻り値:
A list of objects containing values for the specified property, typically contains a list of property values and metadata.
- qamuy.chemistry.get_evaluated_properties_for_state(result, property_name, state=0)¶
Extract evaluated property values for a state from a quantum/post-HF result object.
- パラメータ:
result -- A QuantumDeviceResult or PostHFResult object.
property_name (str) -- The name of a property to extract.
state (int) -- The index of a state for a property value to be extracted.
- 戻り値:
A list of objects containing a value for the specified property for the specified state, typically contains the state index, the property value and its sample standard deviation.
- qamuy.chemistry.get_evaluated_properties_for_state_pair(result, property_name, state_pair)¶
Extract evaluated property values for a state pair from a quantum/post-HF result object.
- パラメータ:
result -- A QuantumDeviceResult or PostHFResult object.
property_name (str) -- The name of a property to extract.
state_pair (Iterable[int]) -- A pair of indices of the state pair for the property value to be extracted.
- 戻り値:
A list of objects containing a value for the specified property for the specified state pair, typically contains the state pair, the property value and its sample standard deviation.
- qamuy.chemistry.get_evaluated_property(result, property_name)¶
Extract evaluated property values from a quantum/post-HF result object.
- パラメータ:
result -- A QuantumDeviceResult or PostHFResult object.
property_name (str) -- The name of a property to extract.
- 戻り値:
An object containing values for the specified property, typically contains a list of property values and metadata.
- qamuy.chemistry.get_evaluated_property_for_state(result, property_name, state=0)¶
Extract an evaluated property value for a state from a quantum/post-HF result object.
- パラメータ:
result -- A QuantumDeviceResult or PostHFResult object.
property_name (str) -- The name of a property to extract.
state (int) -- The index of a state for a property value to be extracted.
- 戻り値:
An object containing a value for the specified property for the specified state, typically contains the state index, the property value and its sample standard deviation.
- qamuy.chemistry.get_evaluated_property_for_state_pair(result, property_name, state_pair)¶
Extract an evaluated property value for a state pair from a quantum/post-HF result object.
- パラメータ:
result -- A QuantumDeviceResult or PostHFResult object.
property_name (str) -- The name of a property to extract.
state_pair (Iterable[int]) -- A pair of indices of the state pair for the property value to be extracted.
- 戻り値:
An object containing a value for the specified property for the specified state pair, typically contains the state pair, the property value and its sample standard deviation.
- qamuy.chemistry.get_optimized_geometry(geo_result)¶
Extract an object representing optimized geometry of molecule.
- パラメータ:
geo_result -- A GeometryOptimizationResult object.
- 戻り値:
- qamuy.chemistry.mitigation(mitigation_type, **kwargs)¶
Create an object representing parameters of a mitigation to be used. See a description of mitigation in the reference page of input data for detail.
- パラメータ:
mitigation_type (str) -- An identifier of the mitigation method. (e.g. "measurement_error")
kwargs -- Keyword arguments necessary for each mitigation.
- 戻り値:
object, which can be put intoquantum_device.mitigation
- qamuy.chemistry.molecule_geometry(atoms, coordinates, geometry_format='CARTESIAN')¶
Create an object representing geometry of a molecule.
- パラメータ:
atoms -- A list of nuclei that make up the molecule.
coordinates -- A list of coordinates of the nuclei specifying a molecular structure, or a list of such lists specifying multiple molecular structure.
geometry_format -- A notation in which the coordinates are described. Possible values are
(default) andZ_MATRIX
- 戻り値:
object, which can be substituted intarget_molecule.geometry
- qamuy.chemistry.molecule_geometry_from_xyz(xyz)¶
Create an object representing geometry of a molecule from a string of xyz format. See
- パラメータ:
xyz -- A string of xyz format.
- 戻り値:
object, which can be substituted intarget_molecule.geometry
- qamuy.chemistry.output_chemical_property(target, **kwargs)¶
Create an object representing parameters of a chemical property to be calculated. See a description of each target property in the reference page of input data for detail.
- パラメータ:
target (str) -- An identifier of the target property. (e.g. "energy", "dipole_moment", etc.)
kwargs -- Keyword arguments necessary for each target property.
- 戻り値:
object, which can be put intooutput_chemical_properties
- qamuy.chemistry.periodic_system_geometry(atoms, coordinates, trans_vector, kpt_grid_shape)¶
Create an object representing geometry of a periodic system.
- パラメータ:
atoms -- A list of nuclei that make up a cell of a periodic system.
coordinates -- A list of coordinates of the nuclei specifying a priodic system, or a list of such lists specifying multiple structures.
trans_vector -- Translation vectors that characterize a periodic boundary condition.
kpt_grid_shape -- The numbers of k points for each axis of the reciprocal space.
- 戻り値:
object, which can be substituted intarget_periodic_system.geometry
- qamuy.chemistry.spin_state(state, multiplicity, sz)¶
Create an object representing a spin state for a reference state.
- パラメータ:
state (int) -- The index of a reference state.
multiplicity (int) -- The multiplicity of a reference state.
sz (float) -- The value of z component of the total spin of a reference state.
- 戻り値: